Luke 6:38 - give, and it shall be given unto you... AGAPE.com
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Many people became Christians for many different reasons. As for me, to be a Christian is to be a follower of Jesus Christ by receiving His forgiving of sins and embarking on a new life. I became a Christian because I discovered (more appropriately revealed by) Jesus Christ to be without equal and beyond compare. Unlike all other religions, which are generally men's search for God, Christianity is God's finding of men! The Bible says in: John 1:14 Christians believe Jesus Christ is both Son of God (fully divine), and Son of Man (fully human) and without sin. In Him, the One and Only God, Creator of heaven and earth, came down to men by His incarnation achieved thru virgin birth, in order to raise men to be with God. Jesus Christ also reconciled God with men by His atonement achieved thru His death and His subsequent resurrection. Christians therefore believe in a living Christ, not a dead teacher. The cross symbolizes the suffering Savior and the risen Lord. Despite my questioning on the continuing occurrences of sufferings in this world in the presence of an all powerful and loving God, I am more convinced each passing day in my walk with God that He was and is still in control and that He will one day provide the answer. For it is written in the Bible: Isaiah 55:9 I remain a Christian because the more I am aware of my wretchedness in me, the more I realize that I can never by my own effort attain salvation without the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. John Newton's Amazing Grace becomes one of my favorite song because like many Christians, I can find my identity in the following stanza: Amazing grace! How sweet the sound, Yes, I was once "blind" and now I can see. On hind sight, the reason why I was "blind" for such a long time until 1985 was my PRIDE and my doubt on the existence of God mainly for intellectual reasons. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesian 2:8-9). I truly believe it was God's grace and mercy that I stumbled on Anselm's (an 11th. century Archbishop of Canterbury) maxim which states: 'I do not seek to understand so that I may believe; but I believe
so that I may understand. that I realized how stubborn and foolish I had been. A breakthrough can happen if you have the faith first to
gain the understanding later. Elliot, Jim, a missionary martyred in Ecuador made this well known statement: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.". It is not a coincidence that you are reading this testimony. If you have been searching and feels that God is speaking to you right now, do not resist Him. There may still be doubts in your mind, but please don't let these doubts deprive you of the most important relationship in your life. Like all Christians, all it take was to confess your sins and open your heart to Jesus and invite Him to come into your life. Click Who do they say I am? to know more about this person Jesus. Click The Way to Eternal Life when you are ready to invite Jesus to come into your life. You may email webmaster at webmaster@agape.com.
I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: |