Luke 6:38 - give, and it shall be given unto you... AGAPE.com
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Is God an ATM? Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. This is the gist of a recent exchange of comments from 4-6
Dec 2010 in Facebook between a fellow contact and me. I decide to compile these exchanges in verbatim here and reflect on it further so that more readers can be made aware of and judge for themselves the thinking of the proponents of so called Prosperity Gospel. As a courtesy to this fellow FB contact, his name shall be substituted as PG in this article/posing. PG: No wonder you have limited wisdom.. LOL... (ouch.. kick you directly in your heart... ) Haha..later u black list me.. no good no good. God ask King Solomon what he want. And King Solomon ask for Wisdom rather
than money. Do you know how much is the prosperity God gave him in today's value? Back in 20's a group of christian calculate his fortune.. If any pastor that tells you that God don't want us to be rich, I will leave the pastors or the church because God has blessed so many christian globally!!!! and over the centuries!!! Me: God should not be treated like a vending machine whom you can simply put in faith and out pops the blessings. PG: Loo... God wants us to preach grace and prosperity, thats why my church in Singapore is preaching and draw 20,000 followers every Sunday as we are transformed in terms of how we understand and accept blessing. The message has been preached via TV for US christian TV and other countries christian network and has made us properly understand on how to accept the grace and blessing from GOD. Jesus died for us on the cross not just bless us spiritually, but soul, prosperity, health and sounded mind. http://www.newcreation.org.sg/ Pleases visit and read the grace message and you will understand what I meant in those posting above. Me: Jesus died on the cross for our sins and not for our wealth. It's dangerous when church leaders emphasize prosperity over repentance of
sins in their teachings. Matthew 6:19-21 "Stop storing up treasures for yourselves on earth, where
moths and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. PG: Old testiment = law. New testiment = Grace. Our God is a loving God. He won't left us poor in this world. Only Satan will take away our wealth. We are created in the image of God. Even our own children we will give the best to them, no matter how bad they have turn to, we still love them and bless them with whatever we have (which include wealth). Our Father in heaven too loves us, and scarifies Jesus his son to take away our sin. Our Father too will give us the best and bless us with whatever riches he has. When Jesus died, we are given Holy Spirit. Mark 4:20 Matthew 6:19-21 is telling us that whatever possession we have not last
forever but having faith in heaven we will last forever with God. PG: Back in July I ask God where should I go? Should I continue my
business, go to Antivirus Distribution Business or Financial Sector. The prominent results is to choose Forex Trading. What I have master in Forex? I have been Praising God and Jesus 30 fold, 60 fold and 100 fold for the last few months. Never in my life has I ever did that. I am able to continue my tithing every month!! and my tithing is increase every single month!! If all this are Satan things, why would I Praise GOD and Jesus? Wake up. DO NOT LET SATAN Blind our rights to the wealth given by our ABBA in heaven and DO NOT LET SATAN prevent and took away our wealth.!! The wealth in Heaven and on Earth. PG: The best part is that I did a research and discover Top traders able to take 1000pips to 2000pips a month only!! Where I did take 3000pips to 8000pips in a month!!! Now on average is over 2000pips every months is very simple. God has even open up Internet Marketing opportunity to market my skill. This is in progress and when it is finalized, I will see 100fold of return on what I sow! Me: God's blessing is His sole prerogative. What this means is that He
chose who, what, when and how to bless in accordance to His perfect will. Luke 14:27 - "And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple." clearly show us that the Christian walk is not a bed of roses. Making Christendom appears like a fairyland where believers have a right to and be granted automatically, the blessings of health and wealth makes a mockery of those godly men and women, past and present who have been persecuted and/or struggled to preach the gospel of the cross. PG: Loo. then give me all your money and assets.. LOL You will be amaze that God does dispensing cash when required. If you don't believe the rights of blessing of health, prosperity and soul and sounded mind, then Jesus died on the cross in vain. Which the Satan loves so much that we don't get what we suppose to get. If God is a person that choose who to bless and who not to bless, then he is
a BIAS God, no different than Human which has bias and favor on certain
children. If Christian GOD is so powerless, then this GOD is a GOD that I won't want. The fact is, GOD is very POWERFUL!! GOD Created the world. God's heart hurt so much when Adam and Eve fell, he created 10 Commandment so that human will follow his rules. God's loves us so much that he scarifies his son Jesus so that the harsh rules that he created no longer able to be applicable on human as Jesus took away the sins. God's loves us so much that he knows every single tiny cell of us from inside out and bless us spiritually, mentally, health, prosperity true heartly. Just use a normal human senario. You as a father wanted to bless your child with a house. You as a father
loves your child so much and wanted to give the house as a gift. And ends up keep rejecting the house or avoiding to even think of the house. How would you feel? You as father will feel hurt (I would). You as a father would you let the enemy continue to deny your child the house (where you are so powerless to even shut your enemy's mouth?) or You as a father would do everything to keep enemy out of your child and protect your child and shows your child that you love him/her so much that you are blessing him/her with a house? God is such God!! God is ALMIGHTY not just in name and NOT just in Spirit. GOD is Almighty that he choose Church leaders to preach his loving and blessing side to all of us Christian so that SATAN has no power over what is ours!! Satan has power to take away mental, health, prosperity, sounded mind and EVEN SOUL because we LET SATAN do it to us. There are many bible scriptures support what I wrote in new testimont but I did not keep track of it. Me: PG, if you still believe in a god that "dispenses cash when required", then I have nothing more to say except that you may want to explain why are there countless faithfuls who are still unemployed, suffering, and worrying if there will be food on the table for their families. Please don't tell me none of these is happening in your church ;). PG: Loo. This is because countless Christian were not teach on how to receive God's blessing. God has a secret to release its blessing on wealth that many took it as compulsory monthly action without even have the revelation of the action. Unemployed, Suffering, and not able to provide food on the table of Christian. Let me ask you. Do they listen to God's instruction or die die want to stick to their own comfort zone (which has become danger zone?) I suffer unemployment, etc before, not because God didn't want to bless me with better career path. It was me that ignorant and didn't follow what was suppose to be. God sent all signal to me and I ignore it and ends up in those situation that you have mention to countless Christian. When I open my ears and my eyes, I saw God has arranged all those good options for me and I finally took the ride on it. There is a famous story of a faithful Christian ask God for help when his house is flooded. He pray the flood will go away. He pray to God so that he can be help. 1st boat arrive and ask the Christian to follow his boat. The water rise to the 1st floor and he has to climb to 2nd floor of his house. Again he pray for God's help and that the flood will go away. 2nd boat arrive and ask the Christian to follow his boat. The water rise to the roof top. Finally the Christian died and went to meet God. God reply that he sent 3 boat to rescue him but yet he rejected his help. What is the moral of the story that applies to countless Christian? How many times in bible story where people are being sent away to what seems to be worst scenario than current situation and ends up those people become very bless and in important position in life? How many years the Isralie have to wonder in the bushes when the people ignore God's instruction to enter the Jericho city? 40 years of suffering!!! So who's fault is that ? GOD? Heck No!! God love us so much that everyday he sent help to us. Yet we everyday rejected the help and only accept help that we see fit or help that aligned with our wishing. My reflection: While God's blessing is unquestionable, it alarms and saddens me to know of
church goers who seem to place the importance of the gifts over that of the
Giver! Promoting a god who can't wait to bless every faithful with riches is both
deceitful and deadly. We are already blessed exceedingly when compared to what these people are going through with their lives. So, start counting our blessings and stop asking for more as if God hasn't given enough to us! My further research into the so-called prosperity gospel reinforce my understanding on the dangers of this twisted theology. Take for example: In the context of Mark 4:14-20 which is known as the Parable of the Sower, verse 20 clearly refers to those who have received the gift of salvation into their hearts, understood the meaning and shared the Gospel truth and brought many more disciples into the Kingdom of God. The same Parable can also be found in Matthew 13:18:23 and in Luke 8:11-14 and none of them allude to the financial blessings from God. In Matthew 13:10-13
the disciples asked Jesus why he taught in parables? Taken as a whole, it is deceiving to equate Mark 4:20 to the multiplication of wealth. Galatians 1:6-10 is a warning from Paul on the danger of following a
different gospel: I would encourage you to click on the following links for more details on: What does the Bible say about the prosperity gospel? http://www.gotquestions.org/prosperity-gospel.html. The Bankruptcy of the Prosperity Gospel: An Exercise in Biblical and Theological Ethics http://bible.org/article/bankruptcy-prosperity-gospel-exercise-biblical-and-theological-ethics. You can also visit FB Communities such as: Word of Faith (Prosperity Gospel) Is a false Gospel at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Word-of-Faith-Prosperity-Gospel-Is-a-false-Gospel/119926661373909. The Word of Faith Teachers: Origins & Errors of their Teaching video documentary at https://youtu.be/qvC4lqaPgDo exposes the Word of Faith Preachers and their followers. It takes a responsible look at the major doctrines which separate this movement from historic biblical Christianity. Its origins and errors are documented with evidence and fact. Pray for the repentance and salvation of the false teachers critiqued in this film as well as those who follow them. My encounter: It happened during a Morris Cerullo meeting at one of the WTC Exhibition Halls some years ago and before they were re-developed to become Vivocity. After listening to the distorted teaching of some Bible verses, one of the speakers, American televangelist and "Word of Faith" Bible teacher, John Avanzini asked the audience to empty their wallets/purses, watches, jewellery and to write out cheques into the offering bags for a hundredth folds return! Some were persuaded by
"the more you give, the more you get financially" mentality, but thankfully,
I wasn't taken in by the deception. It's my prayer that the Holy Spirit will help us
to discern the rights from the wrongs. Shouldn't we be serving our God instead of expecting God to serve us? How irreverent and disrespectful can a preacher be to God for uttering "... if He is a divine servant, He still serves while you are sleeping. He works the night shift, I said God works the night shift..."? You can see and hear this sermon at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNS-7t6UjoM#t=160 . More twisted doctrines at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9PYdXoiWUk . Isaiah 33:6 He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure. Wolves in Sheep's
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