Luke 6:38 - give, and it shall be given unto you... AGAPE.com
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Consider this scenario: What happened when the product/service moved from one level down to the next till it reached the customer? Did it improve in quality? No. Did you get more for your money because it went through so many levels? No. But it DID go up in price because everyone including the advertising and media firms had to be rewarded accordingly for their efforts. You, the customer, paid the price and generated the income for these "middlemen". The illustration above just about described every business who sells products/services Didn't this product/service go through multi-levels of marketing before it reached the customer? Does that make "multi-level marketing" unethical, deceptive and illegal? Of course not!
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MLM Hosea 4:6 - "My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge" More Videos:
Video: Is this your Wanted - New Professionals to help more Professionals gain their financial and time freedom.
Excerpts from the book "The New professionals":
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