Luke 6:38 - give, and it shall be given unto you... AGAPE.com
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How to Spot a Pyramid Scheme?
The Star Online article titled "Families ripped apart by MLM schemes" on 10 July 2016 is an unbalanced article on the ills of MLM but provides us with good pointers on how to spot a pyramid scheme.
Unfortunately, like most articles and reports on the ills of MLM, this article
did not attempt to explain the pure concept of MLM as a sound business model
that can also benefit the consumers financially. As a result, Atomy as a MLM company that stays true to the pure concept of MLM has the additional task of correcting the negative perception of MLM. Fortunately, Atomy with
are the direct opposite of a Pyramid Scheme. Indeed, Atomy's business model has all the hallmarks of a company that stays true to the pure concept of MLM. Why continue to enrich the traditional businesses that help push the products to us with bubbled-up prices along the way when we can reward ourselves from our direct purchases and from our referral purchases with Atomy? If we truly understand the pure concept of MLM that Atomy is practicing, there is every reason for us to replace our daily consumable products with Atomy's and seize the opportunity to embark on a sustainable home-based venture that will generate recurring income but without the risks and the headaches of traditional businesses. We welcome you to visit our Atomy Blog for more details on the company and the business opportunity it offers to the ordinary people like you and me. |