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Forex trading on Auto-pilot
Is it possible to trade Forex without staring at your PC monitor(s)
all day?
All you need is a profitable trading robot or EA to run continuously during the
trading period. As an alternative to hosting your EAs on a commercial VPS, you
can also set up your home PC to run your EA(s)
on multiple pairs in one MT4/5 instance. I have no problem reverting back to auto-trade on my home PC continuously for 5 days a week since March 2012 after terminating my VPS plan with a commercial host due to unsatisfactory service level. 5 steps to set up your home PC to auto-trade Forex (Windows XP Pro in this example):
As an example, using a Remote Desktop connection like the 2X Client to 'hostname.no-ip.net' with your login ID and Password will connect your smart devices to your home PC where 'hostname' is the host you set up with http://no-ip.com.
The advantages and benefits of auto-trading are well known and can be found elsewhere in this site. For me, the most
important reason to auto-trade is the
in the execution of my trades. So, why trade Forex the tedious way if you can set your Forex trading on Auto-pilot? I can help you to automate your profitable
trading rules for FREE in return for your opening and funding of a live account