Luke 6:38 - give, and it shall be given unto you... AGAPE.com
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PrefaceRodney Howard-Browne's Laughter Movement is taking the christian world by storm. Is it a genuine move of God, a fourth spiritual wave as some would like to call it? Or.....is it a massive wave of delusion engineered from the pit of hell? I believe it is the latter and have taken great pains to prove it in the pages of this book. I appeal to you to let the Word of God speak to your heart as you read this book and prayerfully ask the Lord to show you HIS TRUTH........For it is only God's Truth and His Word that can set a person free. It is saddening to see so many well-meaning people taken in [hook, line and sinker] by a move that is so utterly devoid of any sound biblical principles. A sensual form of theology is sweeping the christian church and this is reflected by the words of a song recorded at the Toronto Airport Vineyard Church, the nucleus and power-house of this `Laughing Revival'. The lyrics of this song appears blasphemous and makes a mockery of the spiritual relationship between Christ and His Bride... Jesus I need to know true love Let me know the KISSES OF YOUR MOUTH My heart my FLESH YEARN FOR YOU, Lord True Love (David Ruis) from the album "Winds of Worship Volume 3, Live from Toronto, Canada." Published in 1994. I wrote [this book] with all sincerity of heart to warn God's people of this deceptive movement and would not have proceeded to write even one page if there was a one per cent chance of this move being of God. The Laughter Movement is christian spiritual apostasy and deception on an unprecedented scale. False doctrines, like leaven, corrupt the Whole Body of Christ. We, who are not deceived, need to come forward and make a stand for the Truth and for the sake of what's left of Christ's Body. The Bible commands us to resist the Devil (James 4:7).......not accomodate him in the name of unity . God's Truth must always prevail over unity. The Bible also commands us to stand firm in the faith for only he who endures to the end will be saved.... 1 Cor 16:13 Mark 13:13 AMEN