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APPENDIX B : IF THE RODNEY HOWARD-BROWNE LAUGHTER MOVEMENT IS EXTRA-BIBLICAL AND NOT A MOVE OF GOD, WHY ARE CHRISTIANS FALLING INTO IT LIKE A STACK OF DOMINOES?There are several reasons for this... 1NOT KNOWING THE WORD OF GOD The Bible commands us to study God's Word, hence ignorance is no excuse. 2 Tim 2:15 The Bible also says that God's People perish because of a lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6 God's ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9). Therefore, it is not a lack of worldly knowledge or wisdom but a lack of knowledge of God's Word that brings destruction. 2 BEING UNSURE OF GOD'S WORD The devil's earliest ploy is to make Eve doubt God's Word [and he is still doing it today in the Laughter movement].... Gen 3:1-3 The Serpent asked Eve "Did God really say...?" meaning "Perhaps God did not say it the way you perceived it." Eve, instead of re-confirming with her husband, added to God's Word by saying...."YOU MUST NOT TOUCH IT" and subtracted from God's Word by saying "YOU WILL DIE" instead of "YOU WILL SURELY DIE". Compare Genesis 3:3 with Genesis 2:16,17. Adding to or subtracting from God's Word opens oneself to deception. Satan's ploy deepened when he said... Gen 3:4-5 There is now a complete denial of God's Word or in other words a full blooded lie- "You will not surely die". Deception took its final toll on Eve when she believed this. Notice that after this, Eve saw the `forbidden fruit' in a different light (Not God's view of things but Man's view) and she also let her soulish desires take control of her. She had become the slave of her own lusts and emotions. Gen 3:6 See also 1 John 2:16. 3 KNOWING THE WORD OF GOD, BUT NOT APPLYING THE WORD OF GOD James 1:22 below says that those who hear the Word only and do not follow what the Word says are in essence DECEIVING THEMSELVES. James 1:22 They follow after their own lusts and desires instead of putting up with sound biblical doctrines.......... 2 Tim 4:3-4 James 1:14-16 BEING ENTICED BY ONE'S OWN LUST WHETHER IT BE THE LUST OF `KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES' OR OF A WORLDLY LUST FOR A BIGGER AND BIGGER CHURCH OR MINISTRY OR A LUST FOR MORE POWER GIFTS IRRESPECTIVE OF THE SOURCE, LEADS ONE TO DECEPTION. 4 KNOWING THE WORD OF GOD AND DELIBERATELY DISTORTING THE WORD OF GOD The Bereans examined the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul (An Apostle of God) said was true. God's Word is truth (John 17:17) and there is no spiritual truth outside of the Scriptures. Acts 17:11 The Laughter Phenomenon is an extra-biblical spiritual move and if you search the Scriptures you will not be able to find any Scriptural Support for their teachings in the Bible. The Scriptures that they quote are twisted and distorted to suit their own evil purposes. Deliberately taking a Scriptural verse out of its proper context is also a form of distortion of God's Word. This category of christians have no Fear of the Lord [the Fear of God has probably been replaced by the fear of man]........ REMEMBER THAT PEOPLE WHO DISTORT GOD'S WORD ARE UNDER A CURSE! 2 Pet 3:16 In Luke Chapter 6 verse 39, our Lord said, ".....`Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?...." Yes, christian leaders who cannot differentiate between what is from God and what is from the devil are spiritually blind. Spiritually blind leaders will lead their spiritually blind followers into the pit.