Luke 6:38 - give, and it shall be given unto you... AGAPE.com
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THE FINAL ANALYSISWe have come to the end of this long road [the road back to Biblical Apostolic Christianity]. We have spared no efforts to attempt to open the eyes of our fellow believers to the Truth of God's Word. If the preaching of the Truth brings about division, then THE TRUTH must prevail over unity....... Luke 12:51-53 God sends delusions to those who reject the TRUTH.... II Th 2:10-11 If God sends a delusion, no man can take it away except the LORD HIMSELF. The Laughter Movement is an apostate christian movement. We would not be doing the right thing if we sit at the back of the pews and allow the laughter proponents to laught their way to heaven, so to speak. James 4:17 Remember that the Bible contains some very stern warnings about christian apostasy. Here is one of them..... James 5:19-20 James says that a brother who wanders from
the truth is the same as a sinner going the wrong way. Notice
from verse 20 that the final destination of such a brother is
DEATH! This is frightening but true. Be it physical or spiritual
death, the consequence of involvement in the occult has always
been a very serious and deadly matter in the Bible. God is calling His people to be spiritual watchmen in this day and age of end-time spiritual apostasy.... Ezek 33:6 ONLY THOSE WHO ARE NOT DECEIVED CAN BE WATCHMEN AND BE ABLE TO `SEE THE SWORD COMING' SO TO SPEAK. NOTICE ALSO FROM THE VERSE ABOVE THAT THE WATCHMAN IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE BLOOD OF HIS PEOPLE. Deceived brothers and sisters are still christian brothers and sisters. The Non Christians are not able to help them. You can, if you are not deceived. CONCLUSION We have proven thus far that the so-called `Spiritual Laughter Movement' has no Scriptural foundation at all. In other words, it is an Extra-Biblical Move. The Bible is a book of spiritual truths and it is complete in every sense of the word. Since God is the author of the Bible, any extra-biblical spiritual move (which is based on new spiritual truths) cannot possibly come from Him. Toyotas and penicillin are extra-biblical but these are things in the natural realm, not spiritual truths. Hearken to the Words of our Lord Jesus.... Matt 22:29 "NOT KNOWING THE SCRIPTURES" IS ONE CAUSE OF ERROR. James 1:22 A person who does not follow God's Word deceives himself and deception is classified as a sin in the Bible. Take note that nowhere in the Bible is there a verse saying that the sin of Eve was less serious than that of Adam... 1 Tim 2:14 Outside the Word of God lies the realm of the Occult.... 1 Tim 4:1 To seduce means "to persuade by temptingness or attractiveness"- Concise Oxford Dictionary. Seduction in the Bible has a sexual connotation and is definitely sensual in purpose. Beware of spiritual encounters producing `euphoric feelings'. Encounters with God in the Bible are not accompanied by spiritual highs or feelings of euphoria. The New International Version translates `seducing spirits' as `DE-CEIVING SPIRITS'. A deceiving spirit causes a person to believe in a falsehood or lie. In John 17:17, Jesus said "...thy word is truth". If God's Word is truth then there is no new spiritual truth outside of God's Word. The Laughter phenomenon is an extra-biblical spiritual move and is therefore occultic. DECEPTION AND SEDUCTION ARE ITS PRIMARY TOOLS. Figure No 3 delves into the process by which deception works. Christians must be wary of spiritual short-cuts which are not biblical. Matt 12:39 Seeking after miraculous signs is tantamount to spiritual adultery. Mark 16:17 says signs should follow believers and not the other way around. Once again I say, Christians Beware! In summary, remember that the Laughter Phenomenon is an Extra-biblical as well as an Occultic spiritual move. Our end-time call is loud and clear- christians must make a stand and pray against such an ungodly move!