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DRUNKENNESS OF THE SPIRIT- A DISTORTION OF GOD'S WORDProponents of the Laughter Movement have justified their trance-like behaviour [in the Laughter Meetings] by calling this phenomenon "drunkenness in the spirit". This is a total and deliberate distortion of God's Word. The oft quoted verses are in Acts Chapter 2. Let us see what these verses mean.... Acts 2:4-6 Verse 4 says that a crowd came together in bewilderment. Why? Because each one heard them speaking in his own language. The reason the disciples drew the attention of the crowd was because they were speaking in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and not because they were behaving like drunkards. Acts 2:11 The disciples were DECLARING THE WONDERS OF GOD IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. Does this sound like the babbling of drunkards? Acts 2:13 Notice that only SOME MADE FUN OF THEM. Matthew Henry the well-known Bible Commentator has this to say, "The scorn which some made of it who were natives of Judea and Jerusalem, probably the scribes and Pharisees and chief priests, who always resisted the Holy Ghost; they said, These men are full of new wine, or sweet wine; they have drunk too much this festival-time, v 13. And, if they called the Master of the house a wine-bibber, no marvel if they so call those of his house-hold." Matthew Henry's Commentary- Acts to Revelation, Hoddef and Stoughton 1975, page 9. Acts 2:14-16 Peter categorically stated that they [he and the disciples] were not drunk (verse 15). If they were so-called `drunk in the Spirit' it would be his bounden duty to mention this to his accusers. The fact that he did not say so meant that they were not behaving like drunkards. Peter then goes on to give a very inspired sermon which resulted in 3000 being saved (verse 41). How can a man in a trance-like state or state of drunkenness give such a touching, God-inspired sermon? You will also notice that in further instances of the disciples being filled with the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts, there was no more ACCUSATIONS of drunkenness. Go through the passages mentioned below..... Acts 4:8 Acts 4:31 Acts 13:9 Acts 13:52 Eph 5:18 Paul's admonition is Not to be drunk, but
conversely to be filled with the Spirit. Being filled with ths
Spirit is the opposite of being drunk! In many instances in the
Bible, we are told to be sober See 1 Thess 5:6; 1 Thess 5:8;
Titus 2:2; Titus 2:4; Titus 2:6; 1 Peter 1:13; 1 Peter 4:7; 1
Peter 5:8. Sober mindedness is also an essential quality of a
leader (see 1 Ti 3:2; 1 Ti 3:11). Another verse that is being used to justify "drunkenness in the spirit" is Jeremiah Chapter 23 verse 9.... Jer 23:9-11 Here Jeremiah is expressing his horror at the false prophets not warning God's people, though iniquity so fearfully abounded. The `drunkenness' mentioned in the above verse symbolised God's judgement to be meted out on these prophets. Jer 23:30-34 TAKE A CLOSE LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING VERSE IN ISAIAH CHAPTER 63.... Isa 63:6 In the above verse you will see that God sends drunkenness as a form of Judgement. 2 Tim 3:1-4 The World is creeping into the church today. Self-gratification is rapidly becoming a hall-mark of God's People. In some churches today, the WORSHIP is being worshipped rather than the Creator of true worship. Instead of uplifting God in their worship, they uplift their emotions and work themselves into a highly charged emotional state culminating in crying, laughter and other such outbursts. Verse 4 above says clearly that men will become lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Self-gratification opens the door for evil spirits to work. `Drunkenness in the spirit' is ONE SUCH OPEN DOOR! Isa 29:9-10 QUOTE Drunkenness is a state of self-indulgence
and self-gratification from an alcoholic spirit.