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THE GOLDEN CALF/ANOTHER JESUSThere are fairly striking similarities between the biblical account of the "Golden Calf " in Exodus Chapter 32 and the apostate laughter movement encountered in our present time. Here are some of them.... Exod 32:1 The reason why Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain was because he was in God's presence listening to God's explicit instructions and writing it down so that he could bring it to the people (Exodus Chapters 20 to 31). Moses gave specific instructions to the people (through the elders) to wait for him (Ex 24:14). A lack of patience is often synonymous with a lack of Faith. Moses was carrying the tablets of the testimony when he came down from Mount Sinai (Ex 31:18) and these clearly state that the people of God should have no other gods before Him. What was happening at the camp of the Israelites was a spiritual apostasy directly and clearly opposed to God's Word. Moses had no hesitation in making a firm stand against such an apostasy (Ex 32:19). Moses clearly feared God and not man. The Laughter Phenomenon is an extra-biblical spiritual move and has absolutely no Scriptural support. A God-fearing christian should have no hesitation in rejecting this move and making a public stand against it. Notice that Joshua was on Moses' side...... Exod 32:17 And the Levites also made a public stand when challenged to do so (v 26)..... Exod 32:26 What about Aaron? Aaron also took a stand- the wrong stand! E xod 32:2-5 Aaron spoke God's Word to pharoah..... Exod 7:1 Aaron heard God's Word directly from the Lord's mouth... Exod 19:24 Aaron knew he had to wait for Moses' return... Exod 24:14 Yet he succumbed to the people's pressure to make a false god. Afterwards when confronted, he put the blame on the people and not on himself- a move typical of compromisers! Exod 32:22-24 Many christians are like Aaron. They adopt a compromising attitude and sway with every new wind of doctrine that comes along the way. The Laughter Movement is rife with false doctrines, yet christians either choose to compromise or `sit on the fence' when confronted with this occultic and deceptive move. One must remember that "Sitting on the fence" is a false doctrine itself because it goes against the very heart of our Lord's teaching... Mark 9:40 Exodus Chapter 32 verse 4 says that they (the Israelites) made an idol in the shape of a calf and Aaron built an altar in front of this calf and said "Tomorrow there will be a festival to the Lord" (verse 5). Aaron called the golden calf "Lord" -this is the worship of a false god in the Name of the Lord. The practices of the Laughter movement are strikingly similar! Exod 32:25 The Israelites had become a laughingstock to their enemies because of their unruly behaviour. What kind of witnesses are we to the non-christians if we behave in like manner? Exod 32:8-10 God's original plan was to destroy the whole nation of Israel and to make another nation out of Moses' progenies (verse 10). Only the intercessory prayer of Moses (verses 11-13) caused the Lord to show them mercy and also caused Him to relent of His wrath ....... Exod 32:14 The worship of other gods is spiritual adultery and God's covenant is nullified when spiritual adultery exists (see verse below). Exod 32:19 Spiritual adultery is a serious sin and merits judgement from God. Notice from the verses below that judgement was meted out by the Levites upon their brothers, friends and neighbours... Exod 32:27-28 The Three Thousand who died were probably the active perpetrators of the spiritual apostasy. The passive perpetrators were dealt with in a different manner... Exod 32:33-35 ANOTHER JESUS The account of spiritual adultery and apostasy discussed above [and God's subsequent wrath and judgement] sends chills down my spine. Exodus Chapter 32 is not an account of worshippers of Baal but an account of worshippers of Jehovah. They were essentially 'christians' in today's context. The Bible is God's Instruction manual on spritual principles. It is complete and infallible. The manufacturer of a Toyota produces a manual which is also complete. It has a list of all the spare parts required in a particular model. If you find a spare part and this spare part is not found in the Toyota Instruction manual, then it does not belong to that Toyota model. It is as simple as that. If a spiritual principle cannot be found in the Bible, viz, when the Holy Spirit comes upon a person that person laughs, then that principle is not from the owner of that instruction manual i.e Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God or the Holy Spirit or God the Father. Otherwise we will all be confused by every new wind of doctrine that comes along every other month or year. The Jesus that we worship cannot contradict Himself. His Spiritual Instructions and Doctrines are clearly stated in the Bible and spiritual instructions and doctrines that are not found in the Bible are not from Him. Therefore, the `Jesus' that is being preached by the Laughter proponents cannot be the same Jesus of the Holy Bible which every Born again, Bible-believing christian worships. This is the different `Jesus' that Paul speaks of..... 2 Cor 11:3-4 The different `Jesus' that Paul mentions in Verse 4 above is supernatural just as JESUS of Nazareth the Son of God is SUPERNATURAL. It is another god and the worship of another god is expressly forbidden in the Bible. The consequences of flouting this commandment can be extremely fatal! Deut 8:19